Some of our club members compete in different events around Australia such as at the TLCC Willowglen 4×4 Challenge on the TLCC property ‘Willowglen’ which is located near Tarago, some 40 minutes south of Goulburn, NSW.
Willowglen 4×4 Challenge Emag and Willowglen 4×4 Challenge FAQs
The TLCC Willowglen 4×4 Challenge is an exciting 4WD event held annually over the NSW October Long Weekend. The Willowglen 4×4 Challenge sees teams consisting of 4 vehicles from various registered 4WD clubs competing over a Friday night stage, four stages on Saturday and four stages on Sunday. The Friday night stage commences just after sunset, Saturday’s events are all day from 8:00am, Sunday’s events start at 8:00am concluding with the Mud Hole, followed by the presentation at approximately 6:00pm. The competition stages are designed to suit both competitors and spectators and ensure maximum enjoyment, speedy recovery of vehicles and continuous running of events. All stages are a test of both driver & navigator skill and vehicle capability. Note at this stage it doesn’t look like it’s on – contact TLCC for more information including the next event. We have contacted them for more details and will update this page when we hear more.